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La icónica compañía de artículos deportivos Nike comenzó hace más de 50 años como una 'idea loca' en la mente de un joven corredor en Oregon. Shoe Dog - Anécdotas de Nike es la memoria personal de Phil Knight de la compañía que comenzó con él vendiendo zapatillas de correr que llamó Tigers desde el maletero de su coche. En el camino, aprendió la importancia de reunir un equipo de individuos brillantes, dedicados y de ideas afines; de centrarse en las personas antes que en las ganancias; y de no tener miedo de enfrentarse a los desafíos y enfrentarlos en sus propios términos.

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A startup can apply the key principles discussed in Shoe Dog to achieve growth by focusing on assembling a team of brilliant, dedicated, like-minded individuals. This is crucial as it ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal. Additionally, prioritizing people before profit can lead to a more sustainable and ethical business model. Lastly, startups should not be afraid to stand up to challenges and face them on their own terms. This means being resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity, which is often a key factor in the success of a startup.

Some of the most innovative or surprising ideas presented in Shoe Dog include the concept of starting a business from scratch with a unique idea, such as selling running shoes out of the back of a car. The importance of assembling a team of brilliant, dedicated, like-minded individuals is also emphasized. The book highlights the idea of focusing on people before profit and not being afraid to stand up to challenges and face them on your own terms.

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En los primeros días, el equipo de gestión de Nike, el equipo Buttface, se identificó fuertemente entre sí y se confió mutuamente. Ese espíritu y ethos llegaron a encarnar a toda la compañía, donde el enfoque siempre ha estado en los atletas y en la construcción de confianza. El enfoque de la compañía de "nosotros contra el mundo" les ayudó a superar algunos desafíos formidables: perder a su principal proveedor japonés, resolver el problema del suministro desigual y el exceso de inventario, e incluso enfrentarse al gobierno por los impuestos de importación.

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Nike's ethos has significantly influenced corporate strategies in the sporting goods industry. The company's focus on athletes and building trust has been a key part of its strategy. This "us against the world" approach has helped Nike overcome challenges such as losing their main Japanese supplier, dealing with uneven supply and excess inventory, and even battling the government over import taxes. This ethos has not only shaped Nike's own strategies but has also set a precedent for other companies in the industry, encouraging them to focus on their customers and build strong relationships based on trust.

Some innovative approaches discussed in Shoe Dog that can be applied in traditional sectors include fostering a strong team spirit and trust within the organization, focusing on the needs and wants of the customers, and adopting an "us against the world" approach to overcome challenges. These strategies can be applied in traditional sectors to improve team cohesion, customer satisfaction, and resilience in the face of adversity.

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Patrocinar al corredor Steve Prefontaine cuando estaba en un punto bajo de su vida dio a la joven compañía un portavoz y embajador formidable para la marca. Decidir mantener su memorial después de su trágica muerte fue emblemático de la compañía orientada a las personas que Nike estaba convirtiéndose. Esa conexión con sus atletas continúa hasta el día de hoy.

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Some of the most innovative ideas presented in Shoe Dog include the concept of sponsoring athletes to promote the brand, which was a novel idea at the time. This is exemplified by the sponsorship of Steve Prefontaine, a struggling runner who became a powerful ambassador for Nike. Another innovative idea was the decision to maintain Prefontaine's memorial after his tragic death, symbolizing Nike's people-oriented approach. This connection with athletes continues to be a core part of Nike's brand identity today.

The lessons from Shoe Dog can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges, which is crucial in any business. Secondly, it highlights the value of building strong relationships and maintaining a people-oriented approach, as demonstrated by Nike's connection with its athletes. Lastly, it shows the power of branding and the impact of having a strong brand ambassador, which can significantly boost a company's visibility and reputation.

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Las invenciones de dos de los productos icónicos de Nike: la zapatilla de correr con suela de gofre y Nike Air, provinieron de fuentes inesperadas y llegaron a revolucionar el mundo de las zapatillas deportivas. También hubo desastres, como la muy publicitada zapatilla Tailwind que literalmente se desgarró en pedazos. Y hubo controversia, particularmente las acusaciones sobre el uso de talleres de explotación en Asia.

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A startup in the sports industry can learn from the experiences of Nike as narrated in Shoe Dog in several ways. Firstly, they can understand the importance of innovation, as seen in the creation of the waffle-sole running shoe and Nike Air. These products revolutionized the athletic shoe industry and show the value of thinking outside the box. Secondly, startups can learn from Nike's mistakes, such as the failure of the Tailwind shoe, emphasizing the need for thorough product testing. Lastly, the controversy over the use of sweatshops highlights the importance of ethical business practices. Startups must ensure they adhere to fair labor practices to avoid similar controversies.

While the book "Shoe Dog" itself may not have directly influenced the strategies or business models of other sporting goods companies, the story of Nike, as told in the book, has certainly had an impact. Nike's innovative approach to product development, such as the waffle-sole running shoe and Nike Air, has set a standard in the industry for innovation and risk-taking. Additionally, Nike's controversial issues, such as the allegations over the use of sweatshops in Asia, have led to increased scrutiny and changes in how companies manage their supply chains. However, it's important to note that each company's strategy is influenced by a variety of factors, and while Nike's story provides valuable lessons, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

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Phil Knight y Nike convirtieron cada obstáculo en un desafío para hacerlo mejor, para lograr más, para seguir ganando la carrera.


Hoy, la compañía que comenzó como una 'idea loca' en la cabeza de un joven entusiasta de la carrera en Oregon se ha convertido en Nike, Inc., una icónica compañía de artículos deportivos, que vende zapatos y ropa en miles de tiendas en todo el mundo y emplea a más de 68,000 personas. En sus primeros días, la compañía se llamaba Blue Ribbon, y no comprendía nada más que Phil Knight tratando de vender zapatillas de correr desde el maletero de su coche. Llamadas Tigers, las zapatillas se fabricaban en una fábrica en Japón, se enviaban a Oregon en lotes y se vendían un par a la vez. La historia de cómo Blue Ribbon se convirtió en Nike, de las personas que Knight conoció en el camino y las pruebas y tribulaciones que todos enfrentaron, es tanto una historia personal de éxito contra viento y marea, como un estudio de caso de cómo seguir tu sueño para crear algo único.

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The lessons from Phil Knight's journey with Nike can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, it shows the importance of passion and belief in your product or idea. Knight started with a 'crazy idea' and a passion for running, which drove him to create a product he believed in. Secondly, it demonstrates the value of perseverance. Knight faced many challenges in the early days of Nike, but he didn't give up. He continued to push forward, even when things were tough. Lastly, it highlights the importance of innovation. Knight was always looking for ways to improve his products and make them stand out in the market. These lessons can be applied to any business today, regardless of the industry or size of the company.

A traditional retail company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in Shoe Dog by embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation that characterized Nike's journey. This could involve taking risks, such as investing in new product lines or exploring new markets, just as Phil Knight did when he started selling Tigers. It could also involve fostering a strong company culture that values creativity and perseverance, as was the case with Nike. Additionally, the company could focus on building strong relationships with its customers, much like Nike has done with its target audience of athletes and sports enthusiasts.

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Las siguientes historias de Shoe Dog se presentan desde la perspectiva de Knight.

El equipo Buttface

A principios de 1964 recibí mi primer lote de las zapatillas de correr que había pedido de la fábrica en Japón: doce pares de hermosos zapatos blancos cremosos con rayas azules en los lados. Envié dos pares a mi antiguo entrenador de carrera en la Universidad de Oregon, Bill Bowerman, porque en ese momento sabía que este sueño mío no era solo sobre los zapatos, era sobre las personas que eran apasionadas por correr. Necesitaba trabajar con alguien en quien pudiera confiar, alguien que entendiera la importancia de lo que los corredores ponen en sus pies, y alguien que me conociera. Bowerman se convirtió en mi primer socio, con una participación del 49% en la incipiente compañía.

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Small businesses can apply the principles of focusing on people and passion by first identifying what their business is passionate about and ensuring that this passion is shared by their team. This shared passion can drive the business forward, even in challenging times. Secondly, businesses should focus on people by building strong relationships with their customers, employees, and partners. This can be achieved by understanding their needs, providing excellent service, and creating a positive work environment. Lastly, businesses should be open to partnerships, as demonstrated by Phil Knight in Shoe Dog, where he partnered with his former coach, recognizing the value of working with someone he trusted and who shared his passion for running.

1. Believe in your product: Phil Knight was passionate about running and believed in the quality of his shoes. This belief was infectious and helped him to sell his product.

2. Find the right partners: Knight's partnership with his former coach, Bill Bowerman, was instrumental in the success of Nike. Bowerman not only understood the product but also shared Knight's passion for running.

3. Be persistent: Starting a business is not easy and there will be many challenges along the way. Knight's persistence in the face of adversity was a key factor in Nike's success.

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Para 1976, esa operación de dos hombres se había convertido en una compañía en rápido crecimiento, y había reunido un formidable, si excéntrico, equipo de gestión de cinco hombres. Creo que fue Jeff Johnson quien acuñó nuestro nombre: éramos el equipo Buttface. Como dijo Johnson, "¿Cuántas compañías multimillonarias puedes llamar 'Hey, Buttface,' y todo el equipo de gestión se da la vuelta?" Ciertamente éramos una tripulación variopinta: dos tipos obesos mórbidos, un fumador empedernido, y un tipo paralizado en una silla de ruedas, ¿y vendíamos zapatillas deportivas? Sin embargo, también teníamos mucho en común. Éramos en su mayoría chicos de Oregon, todos teníamos una necesidad arraigada de probarnos a nosotros mismos, y también teníamos una fuerte racha de autodesprecio (que mantenía los egos bajo control). Cualquiera del equipo podría afirmar ser el más inteligente de la sala, pero ninguno de ellos lo creía de sí mismo o del siguiente. Años después, un profesor de negocios de Harvard concluyó que tuvimos suerte de tener un equipo donde más de la mitad de los miembros podían pensar tanto táctica como estratégicamente; en la mayoría de los negocios, tendrías suerte de tener incluso un gerente que pudiera hacer ambas cosas. Tuve suerte de haber encontrado a cuatro de ellos.

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Small businesses can apply the key topics and framework covered in Shoe Dog to their own growth strategies by embracing the following principles:

1. Start with a unique idea: Phil Knight started Nike with a unique idea of selling high-quality running shoes. Small businesses need to identify a unique product or service that meets a specific market need.

2. Build a strong team: Knight built a diverse and dedicated team that shared his vision. Small businesses need to assemble a team that complements each other's skills and is committed to the company's success.

3. Embrace challenges: Nike faced numerous challenges in its early years, but it overcame them through perseverance and innovation. Small businesses should view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

4. Stay customer-focused: Nike's success is largely due to its focus on meeting the needs of athletes. Small businesses should always prioritize their customers' needs and strive to exceed their expectations.

Phil Knight's focus on people before profit greatly influenced Nike's corporate strategy. He believed in creating a strong team culture and hiring individuals who were passionate about their work. This approach fostered a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among the team members, which in turn led to increased productivity and innovation. Knight's people-first approach also extended to the company's customers. He understood the importance of creating products that met the needs and wants of the consumers, rather than solely focusing on profit margins. This customer-centric approach has been a key factor in Nike's success and growth.

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Buttface también fue el nombre que le dimos a nuestros retiros periódicos en aquellos primeros días: reservábamos un montón de cabañas en un resort de Oregon, y pasábamos un par de días gritándonos hasta quedarnos afónicos en una sala de conferencias. Ninguna idea era demasiado sagrada para ser ridiculizada, ninguna persona era demasiado importante para ser ridiculizada. Yo no estaba exento: mi apodo era Bucky el Contable.

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The Buttface retreats were significant in the growth of Nike as they served as a platform for open and candid discussions. During these retreats, no idea was too sacred to be mocked, and no person was too important to be ridiculed. This environment fostered creativity and innovation, allowing the team to brainstorm and come up with new ideas without fear of judgment or criticism. It also helped in team building, as it created a sense of camaraderie among the team members. This culture of openness and innovation played a crucial role in the growth and success of Nike.

A traditional retail company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in Shoe Dog in several ways. Firstly, they can foster a culture of innovation and creativity, where no idea is too sacred to be mocked, and no person is too important to be ridiculed. This encourages open communication and the free flow of ideas. Secondly, they can organize periodic retreats or brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas and strategies. Lastly, they can embrace risk-taking and not be afraid to venture into uncharted territories, just like how Phil Knight started selling running shoes he called Tigers out of his car.

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Siempre fue nosotros contra el mundo: el tipo que había sido demasiado gordo para hacerse socio en su antigua firma; el que no podía hacer frente en el 'mundo normal' de nueve a cinco; el abogado de seguros que odiaba los seguros y los abogados; y el tipo que había perdido los sueños de su juventud en un accidente extraño. Éramos un grupo de perdedores natos que nos identificábamos entre nosotros y nos confiábamos mutuamente. Ese era el espíritu y el ethos, no solo del equipo sino de toda la compañía.

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In the context of 'Shoe Dog', trust within a team is portrayed as a crucial element for success. The team at Nike, as described in the book, was composed of individuals who might have been considered 'losers' in conventional terms. However, their shared identification and trust in each other formed the spirit and ethos of the entire company. This trust allowed them to overcome their individual shortcomings and work towards a common goal, ultimately leading to the success of Nike. Trust within a team fosters a sense of belonging, encourages open communication, and promotes collaboration, all of which are vital for a team's success.

Shoe Dog presents several innovative and surprising ideas. One of the most innovative ideas is the concept of building a company around a team of 'born losers' who identified and trusted each other, challenging the traditional notion of success. Another surprising idea is the relentless pursuit of a 'crazy idea', in this case, starting a sporting goods company, despite numerous obstacles. The book also presents the idea of turning personal passion, in this case, running, into a successful business venture.

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Este sentido de "estamos juntos en esto" fue el pegamento que nos mantuvo en marcha durante todos los tiempos difíciles. También se manifestó de muchas otras formas. Por ejemplo, para 1979 teníamos 300 empleados, y necesitábamos mudarnos a un espacio más grande. Pero, para asegurarnos de que nos mantuviéramos fieles a quienes éramos, la compañía se mudó de la forma en que siempre nos habíamos mudado: los 300 empleados entraron el fin de semana, empacaron sus cosas en sus propios coches y, con la ayuda de cerveza, pizza, y algunos de los chicos del almacén, se trasladaron en caravana por la carretera hasta el nuevo espacio. Éramos un equipo y todos colaboraban.

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Other companies can learn several lessons from Nike's approach to team building and facing challenges. Firstly, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among employees can be a powerful motivator, especially during tough times. This can be achieved by promoting a culture of mutual support and collective responsibility. Secondly, involving everyone in important decisions and changes, such as moving to a new office space, can make employees feel valued and part of the company's journey. Lastly, providing informal, relaxed settings for team building, like Nike did with pizza and beer during their move, can help strengthen interpersonal relationships and boost morale.

The team spirit at Nike played a significant role in its growth and success. This sense of unity and camaraderie was the glue that held the company together during tough times. It fostered a culture of mutual support and collective effort, which was evident in various aspects of the company's operations. For instance, when the company needed to move to a larger space, all 300 employees came in on the weekend, packed up their stuff in their own cars, and moved to the new space. This demonstrated the team spirit and everyone's willingness to pitch in for the company's success.

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Más que solo un negocio

Para algunas compañías, todo se trata de perseguir las ganancias; pero para nosotros, el negocio nunca fue sobre ganar dinero. Creo que si lo que estás haciendo se convierte solo en un negocio, entonces es un mal negocio. Para nosotros, se trataba de los atletas, y se trataba de confianza. Para 1972, Blue Ribbon había comenzado a desarrollar una nueva línea de zapatos, llamada Nike, que estábamos tratando de vender junto a los Tigers que habíamos estado fabricando. No teníamos idea de cómo hacer que nuestros clientes le dieran una oportunidad a estos nuevos zapatos; ni siquiera estábamos seguros de que fueran tan buenos. Los Tigers eran una cantidad conocida, pero ¿Nike? ¿Qué era eso? En una convención ese año llenamos nuestro stand con Tigers y con Nikes, y nos sorprendió cuando la gente realmente nos hizo pedidos de los nuevos zapatos, pedidos grandes. Recuerdo que Jeff Johnson estaba desconcertado, ¿por qué los compradores estaban dispuestos a poner dinero por un zapato nuevo e inexplorado? Un representante de una de nuestras cuentas más grandes se rió de Johnson y dijo: "Ustedes siempre son directos. Entonces, si dicen que este nuevo zapato, este Nike, vale la pena intentarlo, creemos." Esa confianza valía más que cualquier campaña publicitaria.

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The lessons from Phil Knight's memoir, Shoe Dog, can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of passion and belief in your product or service. Knight's dedication to athletes and trust in his product were key to Nike's success. Secondly, it highlights the value of taking risks. Knight was willing to introduce a new line of shoes, Nike, despite the uncertainty of its acceptance. This risk-taking and innovation are crucial in today's rapidly changing business environment. Lastly, it underscores the importance of honesty and integrity in business. Nike's reputation for 'shooting straight' helped them gain customer trust and loyalty, which is vital in any business.

Companies have used various innovative strategies to introduce new products. One common strategy is leveraging the brand's reputation and trust with customers, as Nike did in 1972. They introduced their new line of shoes alongside their already popular Tigers, capitalizing on their established credibility. Another strategy is to create a buzz or hype around the product before its launch. This can be done through marketing campaigns, celebrity endorsements, or exclusive previews. Companies also often offer introductory prices or special promotions to encourage customers to try the new product. Additionally, companies may use technology and social media to reach a wider audience and engage customers in unique ways.

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Si un joven me pidiera consejo, diría, piensa en los próximos cuarenta años y cómo quieres pasar tu tiempo. No te conformes con un trabajo o incluso una carrera, busca una vocación. Si estás siguiendo tu vocación, entonces la fatiga, las decepciones y los bajos serán más fáciles de soportar, y los altos serán como nada que puedas imaginar.

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Shoe Dog presents several surprising insights about the journey of building Nike. One of the key insights is the importance of following one's calling, as emphasized by Phil Knight. He suggests that when one is passionate about their work, they can endure the lows and enjoy the highs in a way that is unimaginable. Another insight is the humble beginnings of Nike, which started as a 'crazy idea' in Knight's mind and involved him selling running shoes out of his car. The book also highlights the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.

Some key takeaways from Phil Knight's memoir, Shoe Dog, that can be applied by young entrepreneurs are:

1. Follow your passion: Knight emphasizes the importance of finding a calling, not just a job or a career. This passion will help you endure the inevitable challenges and setbacks.

2. Embrace the journey: Knight's journey was filled with highs and lows. He suggests that the journey, with all its ups and downs, is what makes the success worthwhile.

3. Be persistent: Knight faced numerous obstacles in building Nike, but he never gave up. His persistence is a key lesson for any entrepreneur.

4. Innovate: Knight was always looking for ways to improve his products and business. This constant innovation was a key factor in Nike's success.

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Este ethos de ser más que solo un negocio informó todo lo que hicimos. Para 1977 nos dimos cuenta, a la gente le gustaba el aspecto de nuestros zapatos, pero también les gustaba nuestra historia: una firma de Oregon fundada por geeks de la carrera. Les gustaba lo que decía de ellos el hecho de usar Nikes. No éramos solo una marca, éramos una declaración.

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Cambiando la historia

Nuestra historia de nosotros contra el mundo nos dio la fuerza no solo para enfrentar muchos desafíos a lo largo de los años, sino para tomar esos desafíos y darles la vuelta. En 1972, nos encontramos con un gran obstáculo: nuestro principal proveedor japonés, Onitsuka, la compañía que había estado fabricando zapatos Tiger para Blue Ribbon, nos declaró en incumplimiento de contrato por sacar nuestros propios zapatos Nike. Este fue un golpe potencialmente devastador. ¿Podría sobrevivir la compañía?

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1. Be prepared for unexpected challenges: Contractual disputes can arise unexpectedly, as it did for Nike with Onitsuka. Businesses should always be prepared for such situations.

2. Turn challenges into opportunities: Nike used the dispute as an opportunity to launch its own brand of shoes. Similarly, businesses can use contractual disputes as a chance to reassess their strategies and find new opportunities.

3. Seek legal advice: In complex contractual disputes, it's crucial to seek legal advice to understand the implications and the best course of action.

The book 'Shoe Dog' illustrates the importance of team building in business through various anecdotes and experiences of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. One of the key themes in the book is the 'us-against-the-world' mentality that Knight and his team adopted. This mentality helped them face numerous challenges and even turn them into opportunities. For instance, when their main Japanese supplier, Onitsuka, declared them in breach of contract, the team's unity and resilience helped them survive this potentially devastating blow. Thus, the book underscores the significance of a strong, united team in overcoming business obstacles and achieving success.

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Reuní a todos en la sala de conferencias y entregué la mala noticia a unas 30 personas. Todos estaban atónitos; comenzaron a inclinarse hacia adelante, hundiéndose. Tenía que hacer algo para darle la vuelta a esto. Entonces, aclaré mi garganta: "Lo que estoy tratando de decir es que los tenemos justo donde los queremos." Todos se sentaron más rectos. "Este es el momento que hemos estado esperando. Nuestro momento. No más vender la marca de otra persona." Sería difícil, sería una guerra abierta, pero esta era nuestra oportunidad de tener éxito en nuestros propios términos, con nuestra propia marca. Les recordé a todos: habíamos vendido dos millones de zapatos el año anterior, y eso se debía a nosotros, no a Onitsuka. Les dije, este era nuestro Día de la Independencia. Más tarde, Johnson me dijo que ese discurso fue mi mejor hora. Pero yo sabía lo que realmente importaba; había dicho la verdad y la había usado para cambiar la historia.

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Shoe Dog, the memoir of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, discusses several themes relevant to contemporary business issues and debates. One of the key themes is the importance of innovation and risk-taking in business. Knight started Nike with a 'crazy idea' and faced numerous challenges, including legal battles and financial difficulties. However, he persisted and turned his idea into a global brand. This theme resonates with today's business environment where innovation and risk-taking are often seen as key to success. Another theme is the power of branding. Knight's decision to create his own brand rather than selling someone else's was a turning point for Nike. This theme is particularly relevant in today's business world where branding is often seen as a key differentiator. Finally, the book also touches on the theme of resilience in the face of adversity, a theme that is very relevant in today's volatile and uncertain business environment.

Shoe Dog presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is the concept of turning a crisis into an opportunity. When Nike was faced with a major setback, instead of giving up, they used it as a chance to create their own brand. This idea of resilience and innovation in the face of adversity is a recurring theme in the book. Another innovative idea is the importance of truth in leadership. The book emphasizes that leaders should not only tell the truth, but also use it to change the narrative and inspire their team.

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Otro gran desafío llegó en 1973: ahora, estábamos teniendo grandes problemas de suministro. Todos querían zapatillas de correr, pero el suministro era desigual. ¿Cómo podríamos aumentar significativamente nuestro suministro sin asumir enormes riesgos de inventario? Los grandes, Adidas y Puma, tenían el mismo problema; pero para un advenedizo como nosotros, equivocarnos en los números podría llevarnos a la bancarrota. Luchamos durante el verano para encontrar una solución. Luego, en el otoño, tuve una idea: resolveríamos nuestros problemas de suministro cambiando toda la relación con nuestras tiendas.Le dijimos a nuestros mayores minoristas que estábamos lanzando un nuevo programa innovador llamado Futures: si firmaban compromisos firmes sobre pedidos grandes e irrevocables, con seis meses de anticipación, les daríamos un sustancial descuento del 7%. En un solo paso, tendríamos plazos de entrega más largos, menos envíos y más certeza. Los minoristas se resistieron, pero seguí diciéndoles que debían subirse al barco porque este era el camino del futuro. Entre mis audaces predicciones y varios nuevos modelos de zapatos que llamaban la atención, el programa Futures fue ganando terreno lentamente. Finalmente, incluso los rezagados se inscribieron.

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The Futures program fundamentally changed Nike's relationship with their retailers by shifting the risk of inventory management from Nike to the retailers. Retailers were required to make firm commitments on large and non-refundable orders six months in advance, in exchange for a 7% discount. This allowed Nike to have longer lead times, fewer shipments, and more certainty. The impact on their business model was significant as it reduced their inventory risks and provided more predictability in their supply chain.

In 1973, Nike launched an innovative program called Futures to solve their supply problems. The program involved changing the relationship with their stores. Nike asked their biggest retailers to sign firm commitments on large and non-refundable orders, six months in advance, in exchange for a hefty 7% discount. This allowed Nike to have longer lead times, fewer shipments, and more certainty. Despite initial resistance from retailers, the program was implemented as it was seen as the way of the future.

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Quizás el ejemplo más aterrador y audaz de cambiar la historia comenzó en 1977 con un sobre. No parecía mucho, ese sobre, pero dentro había algo que me hizo temblar: una factura del gobierno de los EE. UU. por $25 millones. El gobierno afirmaba que debíamos tres años de derechos de aduana debido a un antiguo y oscuro método de evaluación de derechos llamado American Selling Price. Si esto era real, estábamos en problemas; de ninguna manera podríamos pagar una evaluación de $25 millones. Esa era casi nuestra cifra de ventas total para el año; y aunque lográramos encontrar una forma de pagar la factura, no podríamos seguir pagando tales derechos cada año. Todo lo que habíamos logrado sería destruido. El ASP decía que los derechos de importación sobre los zapatos de nylon debían ser el 20% del costo de fabricación del zapato; a menos que haya un zapato similar fabricado en los EE. UU., en cuyo caso el derecho debe ser el 20% del precio de venta de los competidores. Y eso es lo que habían hecho nuestros competidores: fabricar algunos zapatos en los EE. UU., hacer que se declararan "similares", luego ponerles un precio alto para enviar nuestros derechos de importación por las nubes. Tuvimos que luchar con todo lo que teníamos. Armamos un equipo legal, celebramos interminables reuniones, fuimos a Washington, DC para argumentar nuestro caso. El caso se prolongó y prolongó.

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Companies applying the concepts from Shoe Dog might face several obstacles. Firstly, they might struggle with financial instability, as Nike did in its early years. Overcoming this requires careful financial planning and possibly seeking external investment. Secondly, they might face legal challenges, such as the customs duties issue Nike encountered. This can be mitigated by having a strong legal team and understanding international trade laws. Lastly, they might face competition, as Nike did with other shoe manufacturers. Overcoming this requires innovation, strong branding, and understanding of the market.

Shoe Dog provides several insights into how Nike has influenced corporate strategies and business models. One of the key takeaways is the company's audacious approach to change and innovation. This is exemplified by the company's response to a $25 million bill from the U.S. government for customs duties. Instead of folding under the pressure, Nike challenged the status quo and fought against the traditional duty-assessing method, the American Selling Price (ASP). This bold move not only saved the company but also set a precedent for other businesses facing similar challenges. Furthermore, Nike's strategy of starting small, with Phil Knight selling running shoes out of his car, and gradually building a global brand has become a model for many startups today.

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Finalmente, en 1980, le dije al equipo, necesitamos hacer algo loco: necesitamos 'American Selling Price' nosotros mismos. Lanzamos un nuevo zapato para correr barato, el One Line, una imitación con parte superior de nylon y un logotipo simple, fabricado en una planta en los EE. UU. Lo valoramos bajo, justo por encima del costo. Ahora, los funcionarios de aduanas tendrían que usar este zapato 'competidor' como un nuevo punto de referencia para decidir nuestro derecho de importación. Esa fue la jugada inicial para llamar la atención de los federales. A continuación, lanzamos un comercial de televisión contando la historia de la pequeña empresa de Oregon luchando contra el gran mal gobierno: un corredor en una carretera solitaria, con una voz en off hablando de patriotismo, libertad y el estilo de vida americano. Finalmente, la jugada final: presentamos una demanda antimonopolio de $25 millones en el Tribunal de Distrito de los EE. UU. para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, alegando que nuestros competidores estaban utilizando prácticas deshonestas para intentar sacarnos del negocio. En ese momento, el gobierno inició conversaciones de acuerdo. En la primavera de 1980, los abogados acordaron un acuerdo final; $9 millones. Odié escribir ese cheque, pero era el mejor trato que conseguiríamos. Más importante aún, habíamos logrado enfrentarnos a nuestros competidores y al gobierno, y vencerlos en su propio juego.

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Small businesses can learn from Nike's strategy of focusing on people before profit by prioritizing the needs and interests of their customers, employees, and community. This can be achieved by creating high-quality products that meet customer needs, fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, and contributing to the local community. By doing so, businesses can build a strong brand reputation and customer loyalty, which can lead to long-term profitability.

The launch of the One Line shoe by Nike had significant implications on the sporting goods industry. Firstly, it introduced a new, affordable product into the market, which likely attracted a broader consumer base. Secondly, it set a new reference point for import duties, potentially affecting the cost structure of other companies in the industry. Lastly, it sparked a legal battle that brought attention to alleged underhanded practices within the industry, possibly leading to changes in competition and regulation.

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Corre como Pre

En 1970, había oído hablar del corredor de media distancia más rápido del mundo, un joven de Oregon lleno de confianza en sí mismo, llamado Steve Prefontaine. En ese momento, todavía éramos una pequeña empresa en dificultades llamada Blue Ribbon; importando lotes de zapatos para correr de Japón, tratando de averiguar cómo distribuirlos y venderlos, sin presupuesto para patrocinar atletas. Pero mantuve mi ojo en el joven de Oregon que fue entrenado por mi amigo y socio Bill Bowerman. Para 1972 habíamos comenzado a fabricar zapatos Nike y Steve, ahora conocido como Pre, era una superestrella de atletismo. Era un corredor fluido y poético, un extrovertido que se esforzaba por ganar, y realmente quería que fuera un atleta de Nike. Pero en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972, atormentado por los ataques terroristas que golpearon los juegos ese año, Pre quedó en cuarto lugar. Después de eso, estaba desesperado, a la deriva y, sobre todo, en bancarrota.

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Phil Knight's approach to building a successful team at Nike offers several lessons. First, he recognized the importance of talent and was willing to invest in it, as seen in his pursuit of Steve Prefontaine. Second, he valued partnerships and collaborations, as evidenced by his relationship with Bill Bowerman. Third, he was not afraid to take risks and innovate, as shown by the creation of Nike shoes. Lastly, he understood the power of branding and the importance of associating his product with successful athletes.

The partnership between Phil Knight and Steve Prefontaine played a significant role in the growth of Nike. Prefontaine, a renowned middle-distance runner, became a Nike athlete, which helped to elevate the brand's status in the sports world. Despite his disappointing performance at the 1972 Olympics, Prefontaine's association with Nike provided the company with a high-profile athlete endorsement, which was crucial for a young company trying to establish itself in a competitive market. This partnership not only boosted Nike's visibility but also helped to solidify its reputation as a brand for serious athletes.

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Entonces, en 1973, para darle un sentido de propósito y ayudarlo a ponerse de pie, contratamos a Pre como nuestro Director Nacional de Asuntos Públicos. Fue nuestro segundo endosante de atletas famosos. Nuestro primero fue un joven tenista rumano ardiente que se abrió camino a través del torneo Rainier International Classic en el otoño de 1972 con un nuevo par de Nike Match Points. Su nombre era Ilie Nastase. Después del torneo, me puse en contacto con su agente y negocié un acuerdo de patrocinio por $10,000.

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Shoe Dog does not explicitly discuss the concept of focusing on people before profit in contemporary business debates. However, it does highlight the importance of people in the success of a business. For instance, Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, hired Pre, a well-known athlete, as their National Director of Public Affairs to give him a sense of purpose. This shows that Knight valued people and their contributions, which indirectly led to the profit and success of Nike. It's important to note that while the book provides insights into the journey of Nike, it does not delve into contemporary business debates.

One surprising strategy presented in Shoe Dog is the use of celebrity athlete endorsements. This was a novel idea at the time and helped Nike gain visibility and credibility. The first celebrity athlete to endorse Nike was Ilie Nastase, a fiery young Romanian tennis player. Another surprising idea was hiring Pre, a struggling athlete, as their National Director of Public Affairs to give him a sense of purpose and get him back on his feet.

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Pre era un fenómeno; pasó 1973 en un viaje por carretera a través del país, yendo a competencias de atletismo, universidades y ferias estatales. A donde quiera que iba, la gente quería conocerlo, y a donde quiera que iba, promocionaba nuestros nuevos zapatos Nike. Era nuestro embajador estrella, realizando clínicas, sirviendo como modelo para nuevos diseños de zapatos y enviando pares de Nikes a otros corredores con una nota que decía: "Prueba estos, te encantarán". Para finales de 1974, estaba de vuelta en su mejor forma, rompiendo récords de carrera estadounidenses y haciéndolo en Nikes. La última vez que lo vi correr fue en una competencia en Eugene en mayo de 1975. Como siempre, fue increíble; enfrentándose a algunos de los mejores corredores del mundo, entró en las últimas vueltas de los 5,000 metros en segundo lugar, luego hizo lo que Pre siempre hacía mejor. Cavó profundo y sacó alguna nueva reserva de energía, avanzando para ganar la carrera. A la mañana siguiente, recibí la llamada: de camino a casa desde la fiesta posterior a la carrera, había perdido el control de su auto, golpeó una roca y murió. Tenía 24 años.

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Pre's dedication and commitment as an ambassador for Nike teaches us the importance of passion and belief in a product or brand. He was not just an ambassador, but a believer in the product he was promoting. He used the product himself, set records in it, and personally recommended it to others. This shows the power of authentic endorsement and the impact it can have on a brand's reputation and success. His dedication also highlights the value of hard work, perseverance, and the will to win, traits that are not only applicable in sports but in any field.

Pre's death was a significant loss for Nike. As a star ambassador, he was instrumental in promoting Nike shoes and was a model for new shoe designs. His endorsement and personal use of Nike shoes in smashing American running records significantly boosted the brand's reputation. His tragic death likely caused a great deal of grief among the Nike team and potentially impacted their marketing and promotion strategies. However, his legacy likely continued to influence the brand's image and reputation positively.

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En el momento de su muerte, Pre tenía todos los récords de distancia estadounidenses, desde 2,000 hasta 10,000 metros, desde dos millas hasta seis. Pero, más que un atleta, era una leyenda que encendió nuestra imaginación. No solo quería ser el mejor corredor, quería romper todas las reglas que retenían a los atletas aficionados y ayudarlos a realizar su máximo potencial.

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Some key lessons that can be learned from Pre's determination in 'Shoe Dog - Anecdotes From Nike' include the importance of challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. Pre's desire to break the rules that held back amateur athletes shows the value of questioning existing systems and norms. His story also emphasizes the power of passion and dedication in achieving one's goals. Furthermore, it illustrates the potential that can be unlocked when individuals are given the opportunity to fully realize their abilities.

The lessons from Phil Knight's memoir, such as focusing on people before profit, can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, businesses can prioritize the well-being and development of their employees, as happy and motivated employees are more likely to be productive and contribute to the success of the business. Secondly, businesses can focus on building strong relationships with their customers, as customer satisfaction is key to business success. Lastly, businesses can also focus on making a positive impact on the community and the environment, as this can enhance their reputation and attract more customers.

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En cuestión de días, el lugar donde había muerto se convirtió en un santuario improvisado, con personas dejando flores, notas, regalos, incluso Nikes. Decidimos que el sitio de la roca necesitaba ser curado. No sabíamos cómo podríamos permitirnos hacer algo así, pero todos estuvimos de acuerdo: mientras estuviéramos en el negocio, encontraríamos el dinero para cosas así.

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Shoe Dog, the memoir of Nike's founder Phil Knight, has influenced corporate strategies and business models in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of passion and perseverance in entrepreneurship. Knight's journey shows that with determination and a clear vision, one can overcome numerous obstacles to build a successful company. Secondly, it highlights the significance of innovation. Nike's success is largely attributed to its continuous innovation in product design and marketing strategies. Lastly, it underscores the value of building strong relationships with customers and employees. Knight's story demonstrates that businesses thrive when they prioritize people and cultivate a strong company culture.

A startup can use the key topics or framework covered in Shoe Dog to grow by learning from Phil Knight's experiences. The book provides insights into how Knight built Nike from the ground up, facing numerous challenges and setbacks along the way. Startups can learn about the importance of perseverance, innovation, and building a strong team. They can also understand the value of branding and marketing strategies, as well as the need to adapt to changing market conditions. However, it's important to note that every startup's journey is unique and what worked for Nike might not necessarily work for others.

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Pre siempre decía: "Alguien puede vencerme, pero tendrán que sangrar para hacerlo". Y ese se convirtió en mi mantra. Algún banquero, acreedor o competidor puede intentar detenerme, pero tendrán que sangrar para hacerlo.

La conexión con el atleta

Desde los primeros días, sabíamos que la clave del éxito primero para Blue Ribbon y luego para Nike no era solo conseguir que los atletas usaran nuestros zapatos y ropa, sino forjar relaciones reales con ellos. Es una de las cosas de Nike de las que estoy más orgulloso. Hay algo muy especial que pasa entre mí y la mayoría de los atletas con los que trabajo. Suele ser breve, pero casi siempre sucede; una conexión, una camaradería. Es lo que estaba buscando en 1962. Me había graduado de la Universidad de Oregon y luego obtuve una maestría en negocios de Stanford, y estaba tratando de averiguar cómo hacer realidad mi loca idea. En un trabajo para una clase de emprendimiento, había elaborado un plan para una empresa que utilizaba la naciente capacidad de fabricación japonesa para hacer zapatos para correr. Pero, no tenía idea de cómo dar vida a ese plan. Entonces, pasé un año viajando por el mundo, buscando lo que podría venir después y tratando de hacer conexiones.

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Nike has formed relationships with numerous athletes over the years. Some notable examples include Michael Jordan, whose partnership with Nike resulted in the highly successful Air Jordan brand. Another example is Tiger Woods, who signed a lucrative endorsement deal with Nike that helped elevate the company's golf line. These relationships not only increased Nike's visibility and credibility in various sports, but also contributed to its financial success. The athletes' input has often been used to improve product design and functionality, further enhancing Nike's reputation for quality and innovation.

1. Forge Real Relationships: Phil Knight emphasized the importance of not just getting athletes to wear Nike's products, but also forging real relationships with them. This helped in creating a strong brand image and loyalty.

2. Embrace Crazy Ideas: Nike started as a 'crazy idea' in Phil's mind. He didn't dismiss it but pursued it with determination. This shows the importance of believing in your ideas, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

3. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Phil's journey involved constant learning, adaptation, and searching for opportunities. This highlights the importance of being open to new ideas and continuously striving for improvement.

4. Persistence: Establishing Nike wasn't easy and involved numerous challenges. Phil's persistence in the face of adversity was key to his success.

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Años después, esas conexiones, esa camaradería, darían sus frutos de formas sorprendentes. Estaba en algún evento, en julio de 2005, cuando LeBron James pidió una palabra en privado. Dijo que cuando firmó por primera vez con Nike no sabía mucho sobre la empresa, por lo que había estado leyendo sobre nuestra historia. Se había dado cuenta de que yo era el fundador y que Nike como empresa nació en 1972. "Así que fui a mi joyero y le pedí que encontrara un Rolex de 1972". Y me entregó un reloj. Estaba grabado, "Con agradecimiento por tomar una oportunidad conmigo". No tomamos tanto riesgo, por supuesto; LeBron era prácticamente una cosa segura. Pero en un sentido tenía razón: siempre se ha tratado de tomar una oportunidad con las personas, de estar dispuesto a encontrar la conexión.

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A traditional retail company can apply Nike's innovative approach of taking a chance on people by investing in their employees and customers. This could involve hiring individuals with unique skills or ideas, even if they don't fit the traditional retail mold. It could also mean taking risks on new customer-centric initiatives, even if they don't guarantee immediate returns. By fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking, a retail company can potentially uncover new opportunities and drive growth.

Nike's strategy of taking a chance on people has broader implications in terms of fostering innovation, talent development, and brand loyalty. By investing in individuals, Nike is able to tap into their unique skills and perspectives, which can lead to innovative ideas and products. This strategy also helps in talent development as it provides opportunities for individuals to grow and excel in their respective fields. Furthermore, by taking a chance on people, Nike is able to build strong relationships and loyalty, which is crucial for brand reputation and customer retention.

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En 2000, mi hijo mayor, Matthew, murió en un extraño accidente de buceo en El Salvador. En cuestión de horas, la noticia estaba en todas partes; mi esposa Penny y yo nos encerramos y nos desmoronamos de dolor. Y cada atleta de Nike, todos y cada uno de ellos, se puso en contacto. Escribieron, enviaron correos electrónicos y llamaron. La primera llamada, a las 7:30 a.m. del día después de que se difundió la noticia, fue de Tiger Woods. Nuestros atletas son parte de nuestra familia.

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Yes, there are several companies that have successfully implemented the practice of focusing on people before profit. Some examples include Patagonia, The Body Shop, and Ben & Jerry's. These companies have prioritized their employees, customers, and communities, often leading to increased loyalty and long-term profitability.

Companies might face several obstacles when trying to implement a people-first approach. Firstly, it requires a significant shift in mindset from profit-driven to people-driven, which can be challenging for some organizations. Secondly, it may require substantial investment in employee development and welfare, which could impact short-term profitability. Lastly, there might be resistance from employees who are used to traditional hierarchical structures. To overcome these obstacles, companies need to communicate the benefits of the people-first approach clearly to all stakeholders, invest in training and development, and gradually implement changes to minimize resistance.

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Gofres y aire

En 1971, mi antiguo entrenador y socio Bill Bowerman había comenzado a experimentar con una nueva suela para nuestros zapatos para correr, algo que se adheriría a la pista pero que aún sería ligero y flexible. Se sintió atraído por el patrón de cuadrícula en la gofrera de su esposa, y se le ocurrió un prototipo que pensó que podría funcionar. Después de unos meses más de experimentación, en 1972 presenté la solicitud de patente número 284,736 para un zapato con una "suela mejorada con tacos poligonales integrales... de sección transversal cuadrada, rectangular o triangular... [y] una pluralidad de lados planos que proporcionan bordes de agarre que dan una tracción mucho mejorada". No lo sabíamos en ese momento, pero Bowerman acababa de revolucionar el zapato deportivo.

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The ideas from Shoe Dog have been implemented in real-world scenarios within the athletic shoe industry in several ways. One of the most significant is the development of a new sole for running shoes. This idea was conceived by Bill Bowerman, who was inspired by the grid pattern on his wife's waffle iron. After several months of experimentation, a patent was filed for a shoe with an 'improved sole having integral polygon shaped studs…of square, rectangular or triangle cross section… a plurality of flat sides which provide gripping edges that give greatly improved traction.' This innovation revolutionized the athletic shoe industry by providing better traction and flexibility for athletes.

Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the concepts from Shoe Dog could include resistance to change, lack of resources, and fear of failure. Overcoming these obstacles requires a strong leadership team that is willing to take risks and push boundaries. It also requires a culture of innovation and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Companies can also overcome these obstacles by investing in research and development, seeking external funding, and building strong relationships with stakeholders.

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Para 1976, la demanda del entrenador de suela de gofre de Bowerman era fuerte. Con su suave amortiguación en la entresuela, su parte superior roja brillante y su grueso swoosh blanco de Nike, el zapato estaba atrayendo a miles de nuevos clientes al redil de Nike, y me preguntaba: ¿qué se necesitaría para que la gente use este zapato en todas partes, a clase, al supermercado, incluso a la oficina? Adidas había intentado hacer esto con un par de sus zapatos, pero sin mucho éxito.Y fue entonces cuando tuve un momento de inspiración: ¡hazlos en azul, para que combinen mejor con los jeans! Funcionó: el nuevo entrenador de gofres azul fue un gran éxito, Nike se convirtió en un nombre familiar, no solo en una marca, y finalmente estábamos viendo el tipo de números de ventas que transformaron nuestra empresa. Más tarde ese año, nos incorporamos como Nike, Inc.

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Yes, several companies have used similar strategies to Nike to increase their product's popularity. For instance, Apple Inc. has used product differentiation and innovation, much like Nike did with its unique shoe designs. Apple's unique designs and innovative technology have made its products highly popular and recognizable. Another example is Adidas, which has also used product differentiation and celebrity endorsements to increase the popularity of its products. They have collaborated with celebrities and designers to create unique, limited-edition lines, similar to Nike's collaborations with athletes.

Nike faced several challenges in making their shoes a household name. One of the main challenges was the competition with established brands like Adidas. Additionally, they had to figure out how to make their shoes appealing to a wider audience, not just athletes. They also had to deal with the challenge of creating a shoe that was not only functional for sports but also fashionable for everyday wear. One of their successful strategies was to introduce different color options, like blue, to match with everyday outfits like jeans. This helped Nike to become more than just a sports brand and transformed it into a household name.

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El año siguiente trajo la semilla de otra transformación desde un comienzo inauspicioso. Un ex ingeniero aeroespacial, M. Frank Rudy, entró a la oficina con su socio Bob Bogert, y presentaron su Idea Loca: inyectar aire en un zapato para correr. Sonaba como algo sacado de un cómic, pero Rudy fue persistente. Finalmente, accedí a meter una de sus suelas de aire en mis propios zapatos y salir a correr. Seis millas después, estaba convencido, y Rudy comenzó a trabajar en prototipos de lo que se convirtió en el Nike Air.

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Small businesses can use the concept of "Crazy Idea" for growth by embracing innovation and risk-taking. This involves thinking outside the box and being open to unconventional ideas, much like Nike did when they decided to inject air into a running shoe. This idea, though it seemed crazy at first, led to the creation of the iconic Nike Air, a product that significantly contributed to Nike's growth. Small businesses can similarly grow by being open to new ideas, testing them, and implementing the ones that work.

M. Frank Rudy's air-injected shoe idea was a game-changer in the footwear industry. It was a novel concept that combined technology and footwear to enhance the user's comfort and performance. This idea led to the creation of the iconic Nike Air, which became a significant product for Nike, contributing to its global success. The broader implications in the business world include the importance of innovation and the willingness to embrace 'crazy ideas' that can potentially disrupt the market. It also highlights the value of cross-industry knowledge transfer, as Rudy was an aerospace engineer applying his expertise to the footwear industry.

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Aprendiendo del fracaso

A finales de 1978, lanzamos el Tailwind, un zapato plateado brillante lleno de una docena de innovaciones, incluyendo las suelas de aire patentadas de Rudy. Hicimos mucho ruido con este producto, con una campaña publicitaria llamativa y sueños de algo que eclipsaría incluso al entrenador de gofres. En cuestión de semanas, el sueño se convirtió en polvo. El Tailwind fue un desastre. Los clientes devolvían los zapatos a las tiendas, quejándose de que se deshacían. Una autopsia del zapato reveló el problema: trozos de metal en esa pintura plateada actuaban como cuchillas de afeitar en la parte superior del zapato, desgarrando la tela. La mitad de la primera generación de Tailwinds terminó en los contenedores de reciclaje.

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After the failure of the Tailwind shoe, Nike took several steps to recover. They conducted a thorough investigation to identify the problem, which turned out to be bits of metal in the silver paint that were damaging the shoe's fabric. They then focused on improving their quality control processes to prevent such issues in the future. Nike also continued to innovate and launch new products, learning from their mistakes. They didn't let the failure of the Tailwind deter them, but used it as a learning experience to improve their future products.

The failure of the Tailwind shoe was a significant setback for Nike. It was hyped with a major ad campaign and was expected to be a game-changer with its innovative features. However, the shoe turned out to be a disaster, with customers returning them due to quality issues. This incident likely damaged Nike's reputation, as it showed a lack of quality control and failed to meet customer expectations. It also resulted in financial losses due to product recalls and refunds. However, Nike managed to recover from this setback and continued to innovate, maintaining its position as a leading brand in the sports footwear industry.

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Estábamos devastados. Pero también habíamos aprendido una valiosa lección: no pongas doce innovaciones en un solo zapato. Es demasiado para un zapato llevar, y demasiado para un equipo de diseño lograr, también. Finalmente, pudimos seguir adelante. El miedo al fracaso no podía ser nuestra caída como empresa. Siempre supimos que fallaríamos en algún momento; solo teníamos que tener fe en que lo haríamos rápido, aprenderíamos de ello y seríamos mejores por ello.

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The theme of overcoming failure in Shoe Dog is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, failure is often seen as a setback or a sign of weakness. However, Phil Knight's journey with Nike, as depicted in Shoe Dog, shows that failure can be a stepping stone to success. This resonates with the current emphasis on resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning in both personal and professional spheres. It also ties into debates around the importance of fostering a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Shoe Dog presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is the concept of embracing failure as a part of the process. The book recounts how Nike, in its early days, attempted to put twelve innovations into one shoe, which ended in failure. However, instead of being deterred, they learned from this experience and used it to improve. This idea of failing fast, learning from it, and becoming better is a key theme in the book. Another innovative idea is the concept of starting small and dreaming big. Phil Knight started by selling shoes from the trunk of his car, but he had the vision of creating a global brand.

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Avanzando a pesar de la controversia

Uno de los peores períodos para mí, un momento en que sentí una profunda sensación de traición, fue cuando Nike fue atacada por las condiciones en nuestras fábricas en el extranjero. Los medios hablaban de talleres de explotación laboral, pero nunca hablaban de cuánto mejoraron las fábricas una vez que comenzamos a administrarlas, sobre todas las mejoras que hicimos, sin mencionar el hecho de que solo éramos inquilinos de esas instalaciones, no propietarios.

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The ideas from "Shoe Dog" can be implemented in real-world business scenarios in several ways. Firstly, the book emphasizes the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity, which is a crucial trait for any business facing challenges. Secondly, it highlights the value of innovation and thinking outside the box, which can help businesses stay ahead of their competition. Lastly, it underscores the significance of ethical business practices, as seen in Nike's efforts to improve conditions in their overseas factories.

From Shoe Dog, we can learn that it's crucial to take responsibility for the conditions in factories, even if they are not directly owned by the company. Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, improved the conditions in the factories they rented, which shows that businesses can and should strive to ensure decent working conditions, regardless of ownership. This can be achieved by implementing strict standards, regular inspections, and fostering open communication with workers.

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Aún así, manejé toda la controversia mal, fui autocomplaciente, petulante y enojado, que fue la peor reacción posible. Eventualmente, la empresa superó su respuesta emocional y se dio cuenta de que si éramos o no el chivo expiatorio era irrelevante. El hecho era que necesitábamos hacerlo mejor. Entonces, decidimos mostrarle al mundo cuánto podía hacer Nike, utilizando la crisis de los titulares negativos para reinventar la forma en que se fabricaban nuestros productos. Pasaríamos de ser el objetivo de los reformadores de fábricas a un jugador importante en el movimiento de reforma.

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In the context of Shoe Dog, the concept of using a crisis as an opportunity for reform is demonstrated when Nike faced a controversy. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, they used it as a chance to improve and reinvent their production methods. They transitioned from being the target of factory reformers to becoming a significant participant in the reform movement. This approach allowed them to turn a challenging situation into a chance for growth and improvement.

'Shoe Dog' relates to contemporary issues and debates about corporate responsibility and reform by showcasing Nike's journey from being a target of factory reformers to becoming a major player in the reform movement. The book highlights the company's initial defensive and negative reaction to criticism, and its eventual realization of the need for improvement. This narrative reflects the ongoing debates about corporate responsibility, particularly in terms of labor practices and environmental impact. It serves as a case study of how corporations can respond to criticism, learn from their mistakes, and take proactive steps towards reform.

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Por ejemplo, la sala de goma solía ser la peor parte de cualquier fábrica de zapatos, llena de los vapores tóxicos utilizados para unir las partes superiores y las suelas. Nike inventó un agente de unión a base de agua que no emite vapores, eliminando así la mayoría de los carcinógenos en el aire, y también dimos el proceso libremente a nuestros competidores.

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The ideas in Shoe Dog have significant potential for real-world implementation. The book chronicles the journey of Nike, which started as a small business and grew into a global brand. It emphasizes innovation, perseverance, and the willingness to take risks. For instance, Nike invented a water-based bonding agent that eliminated toxic fumes in shoe factories, demonstrating their commitment to innovation and social responsibility. These principles can be applied in various business scenarios to drive growth and success.

The themes in Shoe Dog are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates. The book discusses entrepreneurship, innovation, and the challenges of growing a business, which are all pertinent topics in today's business world. It also touches on issues of sustainability and corporate responsibility, as seen in Nike's development of a water-based bonding agent to reduce toxic fumes in their factories. These themes align with ongoing discussions about the role of businesses in addressing environmental concerns.

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Un desarrollo clave que surgió de la crisis fue un gran esfuerzo de Nike para ayudar a romper los ciclos de pobreza en las partes más pobres del mundo. En asociación con las Naciones Unidas y otras corporaciones, creamos el Efecto Niña, una gran campaña global para educar, conectar y elevar a las niñas. ¿Por qué niñas? Porque los académicos, y nuestros propios corazones, nos dijeron que ayudar a los más vulnerables a prosperar, es decir, a las niñas jóvenes, ayudaría a todos. La campaña crea espacios seguros para que las niñas estudien, se organiza contra el matrimonio infantil y da a las niñas acceso a los recursos que pueden cambiar sus vidas.

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The Girl Effect initiative, created by Nike in partnership with the United Nations and other corporations, aims to break the cycles of poverty in the poorest parts of the world. The initiative focuses on educating, connecting, and uplifting young girls, who are often the most vulnerable. The campaign creates safe spaces for girls to study, organizes against child marriage, and provides girls with access to resources that can change their lives.

The Girl Effect campaign by Nike works against child marriage by creating safe spaces for girls to study, organizing against child marriage, and providing girls with access to resources that can change their lives. This campaign is a part of Nike's effort to break the cycles of poverty in the poorest parts of the world. By focusing on helping the most vulnerable, i.e., young girls, they believe it would help everyone.

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